Alice Catherine Alice Catherine

Another day, another example of me character dressing – this time as the Nineties Mom within me. The type that rolls up to the school gates looking chic and drives her kids home in a vintage American car. Ahhh, future dreams. There’s something about wearing an oversized puffer jacket and snakeskin boots that makes me feel like an absolute badass. Now there’s something I never thought I’d type on here…

Daydreams and Nineties inspired outfits aside, I thought I’d just have a little catch up with you guys today – a little life update if you will. I have to say this year is already proving to be a rather testing one. I’ve been trying to make a lot of positive changes in terms of both my personal and work life, but when a lot of changes happen at once, theres room for a lot of things to go wrong too…

For the past week or so I’ve been a bit out of sorts because I’ve had what I believe to by gym induced ‘Bicep Tendonitis’ – makes me sound like I actually work out doesn’t it? I started seeing a personal trainer last year and was loving it so much until the top of my right arm started to swell up (Incredible Hulk style). Anyone who’s ever had Tendonitis before will know how much of an annoying injury it is. I really didn’t realise just how much I use my arm muscles on a regular basis  – I lug suitcases around for shoots, I carry packages, and I’m forever moving clothes/furniture around and having to tidy up again afterwards. I also spend a lot of time on my laptop – so even writing this post currently hurts (small violin plays). Lets just say that this week I’m thankful for the existence of Ibuprofen. Praise be.

So everything has been a little slower than usual behind the scenes – it’s been tricky to sleep and create in the same way, but I’m hoping it will ease off in a few weeks and won’t linger. There’s lots of things that I want to work on this year, and January is a time when I like to try and be as productive and proactive as possible – it can feel like quite a gloomy time to be a freelancer, but I’m doing my best to keep on top of stuff…

I’ve also been working a lot on the new jewellery collection recentlyMikaela and I are looking to design another three pieces, and I really can’t wait for them to come to life. We had a really strong idea for the larger necklace pretty much from the get go, but the smaller necklace has taken some real Pinterest mood-boarding and late night Etsy stalking. I love working with Mikaela because it’s given me something else to focus on outside of my own content creation. I love how challenging the whole process is, and we learnt so much from doing the last collection together! Which by the way, is still doing so well and I really have to pinch myself sometimes – a massive thanks again to everyone who has supported us.

Another recent work update happens to be that I’m not continuing with my management. I signed with them for a trial period just before Christmas, and I was pretty hesitant at the time to bring someone else into the work bubble I’d created for myself. All in all, I just don’t think it’s right for me at this exact moment in my life – that’s not to say if the right person doesn’t come along then I won’t consider it, but it has to be a working relationship that feels organic. This industry is a tough one, and I’m definitely not someone who’s driven by sales and figures – sometimes I feel like this makes me a bad business woman, but I’d rather value my integrity over a new designer bag. I feel optimistic about the year ahead, and I’m happy that the ball is well and truly back in my court.

Freelancing is very much about taking risks and learning as you go along – we live and we learn. Sometimes it’s treading water, and sometimes it’s sitting right on top of cloud nine. I’m now familiar with both of those places and everywhere in-between, and I can’t wait to see how the rest of the year unfolds…

The last thing I have to update you on happens to be a very special trip – Catherine and I are heading to Paris this week! We are ending January with some photo-taking accompanied by all of the coffee and croissants we can get our hands on. We are just going for a few days to shoot some outfits/have some bonding time and I can’t wait. I’ve been to Paris a few times over the last couple of years and it’s starting to feel very familiar to me – a happy place for sure.

Photographs taken by Catherine Booty 

Jacket – The Frankie Shop, Jumper – And Other Stories, Boots – Office, Bag – Chylak


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  1. Lara says:

    You look so cute and happy in these pictures! Also, you somehow make the boots, which I otherwise would hate, work for me, so kudos on that.
    2019 will be a great year! I’m sure of it
    Lara xx

  2. Summer Read says:

    This is such a nice outfit, I find it so hard to be stylish in this cold but you make it look so easy! Loved the first jewellery collection and look forward to seeing the new pieces. Enjoy Paris! x


  3. Kathleen says:

    Love your life updates, and the shots are beautiful!

    Kathleen /

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Thank you! x

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