Alice Catherine Alice Catherine

I love a simple satin blouse and probably always will – it’s one of those pieces I can wear all year round and it’s never not appropriate. I love how it adds a subtle festive feel to an outfit during the winter months – particularly with a red lip, and some black high waist trousers. However, it’s equally as beautiful for spring/summer with denim and lots of layered jewellery – I’m never without gold accents, they really add a certain charm to a minimal look, which lets face it, is pretty much an everyday occurrence with me…

I recently got sent this beautiful blouse by the girls over at 2Mood store – a brand based in Moscow that I discovered via the joys of Instagram. They describe the concept of the store as two moods, two views, two styles of life. I stumbled across their account a little while ago, and quickly fell in love with their designs – they also happen to be the sweetest girls ever. We exchanged a few Instagram messages and they told me how they are massively inspired by Studio54, retro films, and the spirit of free style. Basically a brand after my own heart. As they only founded the brand a few months ago, they only take orders on Instagram at the moment, so feel free to DM them if you want to get your hands on this blouse, or any of their other wonderful pieces. Just go check out their page for some general inspiration – they have the best fringes, and the coolest aesthetic to match…

As soon as I put this blouse on, I knew it was love. It’s the most perfect fit, and it goes without saying that it works a treat combined with my favourite vintage jeans. I’ve found myself searching harder for new brands lately – I’m definitely lazy when it comes to shopping, I know the brands I like, and I tend to know how they fit my body. It’s a safe bet to shop at the same stores, and rely on them to churn out the pieces you’ll lust after each season.

I mean, is there anything more inconvenient than having to return items and wait for the money to reach your bank account again? It’s so disappointing, and you basically just feel robbed…

When I worked full time for a fashion brand, my shopping habits were much different – I’d shop a lot on the high street because I’d often walk through town a lot to get home. I’d browse online to get a feel for what I liked, then I’d go and try things on when I had some spare time and work from there. Around two days out of the month, I’d go vintage shopping with the hope of picking up some staple pieces to mix in with the high street items. That’s pretty much been my way of curating a wardrobe since the beginning of time…

However, since blogging full time over the past year, I rarely go into a store and try things on. In fact, I try and avoid it all costs, which is quite funny considering my job revolves around fashion. I’m often in and out of town a lot – either to shoot, or for meetings, so I’m usually in a hurry to get back to the flat once said things are over and done with. I like taking my time to shop these days – I scroll through various online boutiques and get a feel for the pieces my wardrobe is lacking, I try not to impulse buy, and I try to opt for quality over trend lead pieces as much as possible. I also have to be transparent in the sense that I get sent a hefty amount of clothing, so sometimes this can take the once natural urge to run into a store and try everything on and tip it right on it’s head.

I pretty much collect pieces from various corners of the internet and then pull outfits together once they arrive – sometimes they become favourites that I wear until they have holes in, other times they get put in the charity pile, or passed on to family and friends… 

One thing I’ve realised is that my style works a lot better when I don’t have an excessive amount of stuff – which is obviously quite difficult to maintain, but not impossible. I have a big clear out of clothing/beauty products and everything in-between around once a month. It stops me holding onto things that I ‘might wear one day’ and encourages me to look at how the pieces already hanging in my wardrobe fit together. I can be terrible for holding onto pieces just incase – so I try to keep a certain level of organisation when it comes to my hoarding. Perhaps I’ll do a wardrobe tour over on YouTube soon – It’s nothing fancy, but I love having a nosy at how other people organise their wardrobe space… 



Alice x

Photographs by Adriana 

Blouse- 2Mood Store

Jeans – vintage Levi via Beyond Retro 

Pendant – Theodora Warre 

Signet rings – Wolf Circus, Rhyden, Mejuri


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  1. Natali says:

    Very beautiful and moody photos! You are looking beautiful as always and this satin shirt works prefect as a part of laidback and elegant outfit!

  2. Love the blouse, such a beautiful steel shade as well. The brand is so on point, definitely following them fro now on!

    Camilla x

  3. Summer Read says:

    Such a gorgeous blouse, I don’t own any satin pieces in my wardrobe but this is giving me so many outfit ideas! Interesting reading about your shopping habits too, I tend to browse online and then go in store to try them on in case they fit differently x


    1. alicecatherine says:

      That’s definitely the sensible way! I tend to shop mostly online now, but that usually means a lot of returns too xx

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