Alice Catherine Alice Catherine

Two thousand and seventeen is coming to an end, so it only feels natural to curate a few things that have helped me grow throughout the year – there have been some amazing memories, some self discoveries, and as always, a few tears. I hate to get all cheesy and cliche on you, but this year really has been a huge learning curve for me – in many ways, 2017 has been the year that I needed. So much has changed for me, and I’m truly excited to see what next year has in store…

New year, new job – to start with, I walked out of a job that was making me miserable, and decided to channel everything I had into blogging. At times this year I was completely broke, and experiencing a very minimal social life – all the money I had was going back into my blog and paying my rent each month. It’s crazy to me that I now make a full time living from my blog and Instagram – something that I never even considered could be a reality for me. It’s been a year of learning how to juggle various projects, and finding my feet when it comes to the business side of things! I’ve learnt so much this year, and really feel like I have found my feet with regards to who I want to be in the blogging world…

Onwards and upwards (and out of the comfort zone) – this year I well and truly say goodbye to all things I had become complacent with. I met up with new people, collaborated with new creatives, and generally just pushed myself a little harder than ever before. Whether that was agreeing to a project that that had a daunting brief attached to it, or going to an event where I had a bad case of imposter syndrome. This year I did lots of things that scared the hell out of me, but each time I always found myself a little better off for having done it…

Positive changes really do happen on the other side of fear, and this is a sentiment I want to carry with me into the new year and beyond. I’ve taught myself that I am way more capable than I think, and believing in yourself is often half the battle.

A little more time spent in the places I love – I got to visit Paris a whopping three times, something which I would have laughed at had someone told me the year before. Paris is such a magical place, and I got to experience it both in summer and winter this year. It had a completely different vibe to it each time, and it’s definitely a place that I want to revisit once a year if I’m able to. Just a fleeting weekend visit is enough time to soak up the atmosphere and visit a few of my favourite places. I also got to visit Sicily which had been on my bucket list for a while now – Sam and I spent some time in Taormina this summer, a place I couldn’t recommend more if you’re looking for a somewhere to switch off from the world. It’s such a magical hill-top town that really does feel like something straight out of an old romantic film. I realise now more than ever the importance of learning to take time off and spending that time with the people you love, in the places you love most – it’s way more significant than any materialistic items could ever be, and there really is nothing better for recharging the soul… 


Alice x

Photography by Adriana

Jacket c/o – He Official (similar here) | Cardigan – Topshop | T- shirt – Rouje | Trousers c/o – Finery (similar here) | Boots c/o – Finery | Bag – Staud


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  1. Emma says:

    Sounds like you’ve had a wonderful year, Alice. It’s so amazing that you’ve been able to become a full time blogger!! It’s SO important to work with something we truly enjoy. xxx


    1. alicecatherine says:

      Thank you! I definitely feel grateful each week that goes by! Totally agree with you – doing what you love is happiness xxx

  2. Lisa says:

    I agree with a lot of the things you wrote. I, too, quit a job that was making me miserable and jumped into self-employment, and whilst I’m still in the “no money or social life”-phase, I am determined to turn this around in 2018 and give it my all. It was a difficult year at times but as it comes to an end, I can finally see the good things I’ve taken from it 🙂 xx

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Thank you! Wishing you lots of happiness to come in 2018, I’m sure it will! xx

  3. Natali says:

    It’s truly incredible and so rewards to see how much we gain when we let go of old believes, comfort zones and take a step forward into something much bigger and better even though at first scary and unknown.
    Your jacket and bag are fantastic!

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Definitely! Always scary but pretty much always rewarding in some way x

  4. Holly White says:

    Positive changes really do happen on the other side of fear- It’s so true!

    Lovely post Alice, I’m dead happy for you xxx

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Thanks lovely girl! You’re the sweetest xx

  5. Orlanelg says:

    I think I can say “Le bonjour de France, Alice !” 🙂
    Positive mind changes EVERY-THING! I’m glad that you have a nice year, I always say to myself “next year will be better” so I hope 2018 will be much good! i really hope so.
    Always a good post, lovely photos and.. THE style. Jesus! i’m in love with.

    A bientôt !

  6. Demilade says:

    You have such a lovely blog, first-time reader here! I love what you said about positive things being on the other side of fear, will keep that in mind from now on 🙂
    Coco Bella Blog

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