Alice Catherine Alice Catherine

It’s getting towards the end of summer already – not that we ever seem to get much of one here in Manchester! But seriously, how is summer almost over?! I’m making sure to wear all the summery pieces that I’ve worn and loved over the last few months, before they are stored away again until next year. Although I’m always sad to part with the warmer weather, I’m always just as excited for a new season of fashion and new outfit possibilities just around the corner…

With this in mind, I’ve been picking up a few extra transitional pieces to carry me through to autumn. Most of these pieces I’ve already been getting lots of wear out of over the last couple of weeks! Apart from the odd really humid day here, it’s been a bit gloomy to say the least. A trench coat has been a fail-safe, particularly on days where it’s been raining but not really cold. This floaty/light weight one from Zara is the ideal candidate – I’ve been throwing it on over jeans and shirts and it instantly makes every outfit look more fashionable somehow. I think a trench coat is just one of those magical pieces that makes life easier for all of us…

I love how it looks with this denim midi skirt from Next – another piece that I’ve reconnected my love for recently and have been wearing none stop. I used to think denim midi skirts would be really unflattering on my body shape, but I’ve found my happy-medium with this one, and can’t wait to wear it with crop cable knit jumpers and loafers as soon as it’s weather appropriate! It sucks me in in all the right places, and cuts off at a point on my legs that makes me feel confident – it’s basically answered all of my prayers.

Wherever there’s denim, stripes aren’t likely to be too far behind – I recently got this wide sleeve striped top from All Saints and it’s been all I’ve wanted to wear on casual days around town. The wide sleeves just add something extra to an otherwise quite simple outfit, and I love how it contrasts against the olive trench coat. For those of you that have followed my blog since last year, you may remember my obsession with these patent Whistles boots. Yep, I dug them back out recently and the love is still as strong – they have lasted so well and are just the most comfortable boots ever. I live in pointed boots, so investing in a pair that won’t fall apart after a couple of months is essential for me. I have had my eye on the Acne ‘Jenson’ boots for a good few years now, but have always convinced myself out of parting with the money one way or another. I think this year I might treat myself to them and finally see what all the fuss is about – I’m sure they will making many appearances on here if I do! Also let me know if you’d be interested in a full Staud bag review as I can definitely put that together for those of you wanting to make a purchase. Although, it pretty much hasn’t left my side since I snatched it from the postman, so that probably speaks for itself…

Alice x

Photography by Adriana 

Trench Coat – Zara | Breton Top c/o – All Saints | Skirt c/o – Next | Boots – Whistles (old season) | Bag – Staud Clothing


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  1. Eva says:

    Loving the association of color and stripes, a perfect look for the transition summer-autumn !

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Thank you! I pretty much wear stripes all year round ha – can’t escape them x

  2. Natali says:

    Your bag and trench are such a fantastic pieces!! I love how you style all of your outfits!

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Thanks lovely! xx

  3. Elisha-Maé says:

    Lovely post Alice – I love your writing style and the photos are beautiful as ever.

    Elisha-Maé |

  4. Holly White says:

    The coat totally completes this look – it’s perfect!

    Ps, treat ya self to the boots! Haha xxxx

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