Alice Catherine Alice Catherine

In case you hadn’t guessed already, I LOVE Spring. Everything about Spring – chicks, lambs (baby animals of all kind really), blossom, Easter eggs, the excuse to start wearing pretty blouses, shoes without socks, a great outfit without the need (hopefully) of a great big coat…. I think that pretty much covers all the main bases right? In short, I start to get a bit of ‘Spring fever’ around this time of year – this usually inspires me to conduct a much needed wardrobe clear out in the attempt to refresh my outfits and lighten up my go-to Winter colour palette. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you might have gathered I’m not the most colourful person in general, but I do love playing around with patterns. I also really love pastel colours – I own an array of pastel coloured nail varnishes, but always shy away from transferring that admiration to my outfits…

That being said – I’ve already been seeing some beautiful pastel coloured sandals around, I think dusty pinks and powder blue suede’s look so beautiful with a pair of light wash frayed jeans and a simple top. My mind has been getting carried away with being able to match my nail varnish to my sandals (told you I had Spring fever). Above are a few examples of pieces I’ve been picking up in anticipation for the warmer weather – although it’s been much milder recently so I’ve found that I’m already getting my wear out of them! First up on the agenda for my Spring wardrobe would have to be a statement blazer – so long/farewell to the faux fur and and chunky scarfs, I am SO ready to stuff them to the back of the wardrobe for another year. A statement blazer will be your lean on/fail safe item for the warmer months – perfect with denim and easily dressed up or down.

Next up on my list is a great blouse – it’s no secret that I’m obsessed with them (I wear them all year round), but I tend to purchase them mostly around this time of year. A high neck statement blouse is perfect for Spring – simple to layer under dungarees, tuck into jeans, or layer under a blazer as shown above. I love it when the sleeve gods come together, and the blouse is slightly longer than the jacket, resulting in some kind of sleeve art heaven. I know I’ll definitely get a lot of wear out of this little beauty, and can’t wait to pair it with a leather jacket and midi skirt when the sun makes an appearance.

Last but not least – light wash denim. I often neglect my love for the lighter shades during Winter, so I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for some great jeans. My trusty vintage pair are looking bit sorry for themselves, so I’m definitely in need of a denim refresh. This little H&M pair are the perfect substitute for right now, the frayed edges give them that vintage vibe and they fit like a glove. Admittedly, I normally like my jeans a little less fitted, but until I get my hands on some more Levi’s, these will keep me happy!

Moving on from the outfit, I wanted to share with you some little words of wisdom (hopefully) that I’ve picked up during my almost 25 years on the planet. I always find these types of posts interesting to look back on – people grow and mindsets change, but I’d like to think I have a few solid foundations that I never sway too far from. I thought they also tied in quite nicely with the idea of Spring and all that it symbolises. Fresh starts, new hope, and all that jazz.

Take chances

I’m not saying you have to go jump out of an aeroplane or book a one way ticket somewhere (although yes please to the latter), but remind yourself that life is short. I never like to let myself get too complacent – I try to push myself (even if I’m anxious as hell) to break out of my little bubble and have new experiences. Opportunities are precious and we can more often than not let some of them pass us by. Sometimes this works out for the best, but sometimes it’s just because we were scared. Move forward at your own pace and always trust your instincts – in my experience, they are usually right. Don’t fall into a cycle of waiting for things to happen, things don’t usually just materialise for most of us, be someone who makes your own luck.

Comparison is unproductive

Social media makes it easier than ever to compare our lives – remind yourself to look and admire in a healthy way, but always concentrate on your own goals. Don’t waste time worrying about what other people think or do, make your own opportunities, work hard, be kind to yourself. Life is much more rewarding this way and I’ve found that the more time you spend focusing on your own goals, the less you let silly things bother you. Being productive is the best remedy for any kind of comparison shaped demons – what’s online is often carefully curated, and only a glimpse of the whole story. No one usually looks ‘perfect’ seven days a week, sometimes they have been in pyjamas for 24 hours straight and have cereal in their hair…

Create a positive space

A huge test for all of us in life is learning to protect ourselves from negative, or sometimes even poisonous, environments or people. One thing I have learnt as I approach my mid twenties is to know when to walk away from a negative situation, whether it’s a rubbish job or somebody that will just never have your best intentions at heart. Learn to put yourself first – it’s not selfish, you deserve the best and I believe the only person who will truly give you that is yourself. You can’t win everyone over or make them see the truth, don’t exhaust yourself trying, be the bigger person and walk away. You don’t have to be friends with everyone, and you don’t have to put up with mean people who have nothing better to do than project their insecurities. I’ve come to learn that sometimes saying no is just as powerful as saying yes…

Take time out

Recognise when to relax and switch off – I find myself constantly on the go and sometimes find that work can take over my social life. I can be a bit of a perfectionist and sometimes put immense pressure on myself to do everything all at once. Good things take time and it’s true what they say, quality over quantity. You’ll never have control over everything, so don’t burn yourself out trying – this will only affect your work and creativity. Instead, allow yourself to have time out and take pleasure in something you enjoy – whether it’s reading a book, going to an exercise class, or something as simple as applying a face mask. Do little things often that are good for your soul and don’t put your happiness on hold, I promise you that good things will happen if you start appreciating the parts of yourself you wish were different…

I’d love to know any little tips/words of wisdom you might have in the comments below, and I hope you all had a very indulgent pancake day!

Alice x

Photography by Adriana

Jacket – Vintage (similar here & here) | Blouse – H&M | Jeans – H&M | Bag – Blue Rinse (similar here) | Shoes – Zara (similar here)

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  1. Dawn says:

    Fantastic post, with wise words. I’m equally excited for spring.

  2. Lauren Katie Cooper says:

    Love this little inspirational reminder Alice! Sometimes you just need someone to tell you you are doing just fine, I am so guilty of comparing myself to others, especially via social media…xxx

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Thank you! It’s an easy trap to fall into the more popular social media becomes – we are all so different though, that’s what makes us special! xxx

  3. Holly White says:

    I love this outfit- you look gorgeous! And, I love the little words of wisdom, especially the one about comparison! I’m always comparing myself xxx

    1. alicecatherine says:

      Thank you! <3

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